With version V0.9 of OpenMQTTGateway @steadramon & @puuu (the ESP library creator) enabled by their work to integrate Pilight library on OMG.
Permiting to increase significantly the list of RF protocols of OMG .
But now that we have this interesting possibility and with the goal of OMG of beiing multi boards compatible, why not trying to put Pilight on a Sonoff RF Bridge.
So as to do this test I ordered a new one so as to be on the same hardware as most of the users (my other RF Bridge is a demonstration old one)
So as to decode RF signals the Sonoff RF Bridge has a special dedicated chip (EFM8BB1) that communicate with the esp8285 with a serial connection.
If we want to increase the number of RF protocols compatibles on the device without modifying the hardware, the only software based solution is to hack the EFM8BB1. This hack is available and made by @Portisch.
The list of protocol is interesting but at the moment not as big as Pilight one. Maybe I will test this nice work later.
The second possibility is to modify the bridge hardware to connect directly the receiver and the emitter to the ESP8285. This way we are more close to the usage done traditionaly with OpenMQTTGateway, the decoder/encoder job is done by the microcontroller and not by a separate uc.
This is where @wildwiz enter to the scene, he made a detailled tutorial on ESPURNA wiki on how to do that, it is call the direct hack.
Here is my bridge before the modification.
No needs to detail more the hardware modifications to make, if you follow carrefully the instructions from @wildwiz it should be OK.
You need, to do that, some soldering dexterity due to the little components on which you will have to attach your resistors.
Be ready (psychologically) also on breaking potentialy your RF Bridge.
Here is the result on mine after the modification:
You can see the two resistors added and the two cut traces.
Once the direct hack has been done we can upload to the bridge with OMG,
so as to do that you can follow the tutorial on the wiki and stop before the software setup section.
In terms of gateways to use we have now several possibilities:
And that's it we have now extended the protocols supported by the SONOFF RF BRIDGE!
Permiting to increase significantly the list of RF protocols of OMG .
But now that we have this interesting possibility and with the goal of OMG of beiing multi boards compatible, why not trying to put Pilight on a Sonoff RF Bridge.
So as to do this test I ordered a new one so as to be on the same hardware as most of the users (my other RF Bridge is a demonstration old one)

So as to decode RF signals the Sonoff RF Bridge has a special dedicated chip (EFM8BB1) that communicate with the esp8285 with a serial connection.
If we want to increase the number of RF protocols compatibles on the device without modifying the hardware, the only software based solution is to hack the EFM8BB1. This hack is available and made by @Portisch.
The list of protocol is interesting but at the moment not as big as Pilight one. Maybe I will test this nice work later.
The second possibility is to modify the bridge hardware to connect directly the receiver and the emitter to the ESP8285. This way we are more close to the usage done traditionaly with OpenMQTTGateway, the decoder/encoder job is done by the microcontroller and not by a separate uc.
This is where @wildwiz enter to the scene, he made a detailled tutorial on ESPURNA wiki on how to do that, it is call the direct hack.
Here is my bridge before the modification.
No needs to detail more the hardware modifications to make, if you follow carrefully the instructions from @wildwiz it should be OK.
You need, to do that, some soldering dexterity due to the little components on which you will have to attach your resistors.
Be ready (psychologically) also on breaking potentialy your RF Bridge.
Here is the result on mine after the modification:
Once the direct hack has been done we can upload to the bridge with OMG,
so as to do that you can follow the tutorial on the wiki and stop before the software setup section.
In terms of gateways to use we have now several possibilities:
- ZgatewayRF
- ZgatewayRF2
- ZgatewayPilight
As the goal is to check the piligh library integration on the board we are going to try ZgatewayPilight of course.
We just left this one uncommented.
Regarding RF configuration we need to say to the ESP8285 that now he has to use the RF Bridge receiver and emitter pins. We configure config_RF.h like this
And that's all. Now upload the code to the bridge and you should see that when pressing a button (this extract contains also my other boards reception):
And that's all. Now upload the code to the bridge and you should see that when pressing a button (this extract contains also my other boards reception):
You see above that my arduino Uno with an ethernet shield is the first to answer but that s another story.
We can also now receive temperature and humidity from a DIGOO DG-R8S
You can of course send commands also by using the syntax detailled into the wiki and control power plugs or other actuators.We can also now receive temperature and humidity from a DIGOO DG-R8S
And that's it we have now extended the protocols supported by the SONOFF RF BRIDGE!
I have managed to install Pilight, how ever i have lost protocols using in the normal RF version ( buttons, sensors). is there an option to use both?
RépondreSupprimerNot for the moment unfortunately.
RépondreSupprimerI just made the hardware modifications (two resistors, two cuts) on a working device (R2 BOARD) and after that I am getting no RF signal. Previously it was running Tasmota.
The device connects to my MQTT, send wifi infos, etc, but even if I build the firmware with #define ZgatewaySRFB "SRFB" option, nothing RF related arrives.
My RF led is flashing sometimes but not when I press the button on a remote, but my Wifi LED never. I applied 330 Ohm resistors. Do you have any idea before I buy a new one? :)
Hi, Once the modification is done you can use ZgatewayRF, RF2 or Pilight. ZgatewaySRFB will no longer work as you are bypassing the EFM8BB1.
SupprimerDid you tried to change the position of the switch, I don't remenber if it can affect when using the hardware mod.
SupprimerThanks for your answer. I tried the switch in both positions, didn't help. Also tried with RF, RF2 and Pilight, nothing worked -> that's why I tried SRFB as a last resort before writing a comment :)
As nothing worked I decided to resolder the cuttings and removed the resistors so it is working as before and leave it like this.
Thank you anyway :)
I managed to get Pilight to work on my unit.
RépondreSupprimerWhat other "RF" protocol can i select to work at the same time as PiLight?
They can't be cumulated for the moment, it is either Pilight, RF, RF2 or RFWEATHER.