I needed to measure the voltage and the current of my lawn mower robot, as i have already an home automation system, the point was also to integrate these measures into Openhab and idealy using mqtt protocol. The first idea that came up was to use a voltage divider to measure the voltage with the esp8266 analog pin.Nevertheless i found some contradictives infos about this, the accepted voltage was low between 1v and 2v depending on the sources. Unfortunately my battery is a 28,4v one. With some search I found on banggood the ina226 sensor already soldered and ready to plug with an arduino. The question was; is this compatible with an esp8266 to allow an easy integration with my home automation system. The answer is yes. Thanks to the help of Shelvin blog here are the details: Pinout for a NODEMCU: Nodemcu/INA226 D1/SCL D2/SDA GND/GND 5V/VCC IN+ & IN- correspond to the current meter for the tests, I linked them before the INA226 power so as to have s...
Sharing my technology related projects and other tips on the following themes: arduino, raspberrypi, robotic, home automation